Top 10 Most Asked storage Questions

Most of our clients have a lot of questions about the storage and moving process. In order to start serving you with professionalism and integrity, we have gathered together the top 10 most asked questions.

  1. Are you licensed and insured?

    The short answer is “yes.” We are licensed, bonded, and insured. We offer insurance to our clients based on thier needs.

  2. Do you provide heated units?

    We offer a limited number of heated units.

  3. Besides unit rentals what other services do you provide?

    We offer a wide-range of services from packing materials to distribution services for  those that want to use our anciliary marketing plans for those that have web based or brick and motar retail businesses.

  4. How long are your contracts?

    Baring any move in specials our contacts are month to month.

  5. Is there a discount if i rent more then one unit?

    We give a 10% discount abnd first month free for all those who rent more then two units.

  6. What about theft or fires at your facilities?

    We have an excellent security system of course things do happen so we always recommend that our customers buy insurance for thier belongings.

  7. How long have you been in business?

    We have been in business for 1 years.

  8. I have to come to the facilities outside business hours is that possible?

    We try to make whatever arrangements we can with our customers in the rare case that you must use the facilities outseode regular hours if you contact us 48 hours in advance we may be  able to accomodate you.

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  10. Have your employees been certified in remodeling or had any special education, training?

    Our employees are true professionals whom have taken special training and educational classes. Certifications earned include, LEED and PE.